How do I Crate a Snooker Game

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From the Asset Store
Collection of crates game sprites including a explode animation
  • Hi friends, I tried to create a Snooker Game but failed can you tell me the code, or if you could give a Capx any will help Cheers!

  • Hello!

    From here :

    1. We want to help, but we're not here to make your game for you. It's best not to ask too much!

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  • Ouch

  • That wasn't meant to sound harsh but imagine if I asked you how do I make an RPG can you tell me all the code and send me a capx. Construct 2 is a tool for making your own games and they can be progressively built and large so it is unlikely you are going to get a response like 'here is a finished snooker game I made for you'. If you have attempted one and need some help in specific areas or you came across a bug then I am sure you will get a response. If you want some general advice then you may get some but my advice would be to start with the manual and look at the tutorial levels if you are new to Construct 2.

  • Hi friends, I tried to create a Snooker Game but failed can you tell me the code, or if you could give a Capx any will help Cheers!

    General tips:

    Please try 'search', the 'How Do I' FAQ and the 'Tutorial' sections before making a post. There is an incredible amount of information available for new users if they are willing to make just a little effort.

    There have been quite a few threads on developing a pool/snooker mechanic. Try using Search like this with terms such as 'pool ball' and you'll come across some.

    The search I've shown actually turns up a .capx for you HERE.

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