How do I continually load.

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  • So, in Limbo, the game plays as a seemingly continuous level. I want to know how they managed to give that illusion, and accomplish that so flawlessly without any loading screens or transitions. Is this possible in construct 2? As far as I can tell, the entire room is loaded regardless of what is displayed.

  • My game almost finish, Platform puzzle game like limbo with 170,000 px layout width, And every thing until now is going smoothly.

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  • My game almost finish, Platform puzzle game like limbo with 170,000 px layout width, And every thing until now is going smoothly.

    Really? I had a massive physics based game I was working on with tons of enemies and their sin behaviors, but there was definitely a source of performance decrease there.

  • As long as you manage the number of simulations it shouldn't be an issue, correct me if i'm wrong but I thought cs2 only rendered what was in the viewport.

  • It depends where your game will run.

    On browsers my game run at 50 - 60 fps.

    But on node webkit it freezes some times, and the fps drop down from 60 to 1.

  • As long as you manage the number of simulations it shouldn't be an issue, correct me if i'm wrong but I thought cs2 only rendered what was in the viewport.

    I'm not sure, I thought it rendered the room. Does anyone have official word?

  • I check if objects are on-screen before performing any CPU-intensive actions with them. It's worked well enough so far.

  • If you somehow keep your level data in an array (or a tilemap for that matter) I imagine you could make a game with a tiny layout but keep reading from the array and only put elements on the screen that are immediately close to the player - not sure if that made any sense?

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