Construct Skips Some Pages In My Game

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Template for making an interactive book or a simple story book
  • I am developing a game that has multi layout in Construct 2 and i have a weird error in android. For example when i in page x and i click go to page x+1 button, my game opens page x+2.This error occurs irregularly. Sometimes it happens page 1 sometimes 4. The interesting point is: my eventsheets are correct and any event doesn't trigger go to event.

    P.S. In iOS version there is no mistake.

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  • These are my test results:

    Test 1: In page 0, i clicked go to 1 and it went 2. In page 2, i clicked go to 3 and it went 4. In page 6, i clicked go to 7 and it went 8. In page 10, i clicked go to 11 and it went 12.

    Test 2:In page 0, i clicked go to 1 and it went 2. In page 6, i clicked go to 7 and it went 8. In page 10, i clicked go to 11 and it went 12.

    Test 3: In page 2, i clicked go to 3 and it went 4. In page 4, i clicked go to 5 and it went 6. In page 8, i clicked go to 9 and it went 10. In page 10, i clicked go to 11 and it went 12.

    Test 4:In page 0, i clicked go to 1 and it went 2. In page 3, i clicked go to 4 and it went 5. In page 7, i clicked go to 8 and it went 9.

  • Are you are using the Touch plugin and, in the properties window in C2, does the plugin have Use Mouse Input set to Yes? That can cause touches to trigger twice, with a slight delay between - this might appear like it's skipping a layout at random intervals. The fix is to set it to No before export.

  • You're right. I put wait 0.2 second before every go to line and my problem was solved. Thanks a lot

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