I am not understanding from the manual how to completely wipe a save slot using the "Save" action.
There are events for load failed. I want to force a load fail by making sure my slot is always clear.
I see Save and Load as actions, how do I Clear/Reset?
Can anyone at least point me to the right code for this? or is it embedded with the exe?
I want to add a Clear option as well as a "Does Exist" check.
the save system uses webstorage plugin, so you can check for the local key
local key "save key" exist, and action : clear local key
ps: not checked but i think its in this direction
Load Save only happens when they hit the continue button in my game. So I also have a new Game button. If they hit new game (since they haven't loaded a save yet) it saves the default state of the game to the same slot and overwrites the past save.
the save system uses webstorage plugin, so you can check for the local key local key "save key" exist, and action : clear local key ps: not checked but i think its in this direction
So the Save action is exactly the same as local storage set? This is what I'm confused on...
I think the save/load isn't using webstorage, but indexedDB, I don't think it is possible to flush it out in vanilla C2 though :/, could be wrong
ok it not saved in webstorage,
you can read more about the options you have, here
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ok it not saved in webstorage, you can read more about the options you have, here https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/526/how-to-make-savegames
I've looked through that, but all it does is explain how to do it, for my case I don't want to use the overwrite ability, mainly because of the way you can exit and enter the app.
I still would like to add a Clear and IfExists just to make it clean and easier to use in my code. Still looking for the location of these Save/Load functions.
these functions doesn't exist for indexedDB, you probably can check them tho in javascript console under rescources, , other than that maybe do a feature request