Ok, so I thought it would work with the pinned behavior, but there are a couple of problems:
1) when I press space to pin my character sprite to the "container" sprite, the 2 sprites seem to stay in one area and just ever so slightly drift in the direction that I press because I need the solid behavior on the 'containers' to make sure that the player can't walk through them, they don't go through walls, etc. The transition is smooth without solid behavior, but how do I keep the smooth transition to pinned without loosing the solid attributes?
2)Another problem is that once my player is pinned to the 'container', the movement should be only forwards and backwards, but always facing the same direction (example: if the 'container' sprite is pinned on the southern side of player, the player stays facing South while only being allowed to move North and South until unpinned). With the 8 directional movement applied while the sprites are pinned, it doesn't work. Does anybody shed some light on how I can mend this?
Sorry, this might be easy stuff, but I'm so fresh at this. Thanks.