I want a text to constantly(and randomly) change texts.
So i want it to change every time the user presses a button or so.
So which is it?
It seems you want to know 1 or more of the following:
Q: How to change text to different words
A: System:Every tick -> textObject:set text to "hello"
Q: How to do something randomly
System: Every tick -> Set MyVar to random(1, 5) (or choose( 1,2,3,4,5))
System: MyVar = 1 -> action 1
System: MyVar = 2 -> action 2
Q: How to do something every so often
A: System: Every 1.0 seconds -> action
Q: How to do something when the user presses a button/sprite
A: Touch: On tap gesture on MySprite -> action
Maybe you can put it all together
Hint: Use an array to store the words, then use the randomly chosen number as the index into the array