How do I change keyboard controlls to touch

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  • I want to be able to change from keyboard to touch , now I know about the touch object ect but I their a simple way I can just set to touch?

  • make Sprites that look like bottons. and make a touch object. when the player touch the Sprite, then Do this...

  • okay so i already know that but my player has animations which are pinned via keyboard controls and confusing to change.

    okay so you can see that i want my player to move still using the movement animations when touching the arrow pointing up but with touch rather than its current setting "keyboard"

  • I think what you're wanting to do is add the touch behavior and the buttons. Then, take each of your commands, make it an "or" block, then add in the new condition. For example:

    Keyboard: Down arrow is down => Player: Set direction to "Down"


    Keyboard: Down arrow is down


    Touch: Is touching DownArrowObject => Player: Set direction to "Down"

    You keep all your old events: you just have to add conditions to them. As an added bonus, I think putting in touch controls like this automatically puts in mouse controls. I THINK.

    Eh, Steve!

  • I think what you're wanting to do is add the touch behavior and the buttons. Then, take each of your commands, make it an "or" block, then add in the new condition. For example:

    Keyboard: Down arrow is down => Player: Set direction to "Down"


    Keyboard: Down arrow is down


    Touch: Is touching DownArrowObject => Player: Set direction to "Down"

    You keep all your old events: you just have to add conditions to them. As an added bonus, I think putting in touch controls like this automatically puts in mouse controls. I THINK.

    Eh, Steve!

    Will give this a try, Or perhaps i could upload the capx file and you could implement this for me?

  • I'd be happy to, but I have the paid version, so I'm not sure if you would be able to edit what I sent back to you. At the very least, you could look at what I do and duplicate it on your original capx.

  • I have the paid version just not linked to this account.

  • Woah, how long was I asleep?!

    Just kidding. My laptop charger died, and I had to wait a couple of days for the new one. If you have paid version, all my worries are placated. I'd still be happy help.

  • how do i create and upload the pacx file

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  • You save the game as a single file, then upload it to something like Google Drive and post a link in the forums. Don't cut the red wire, and remember, the space mutants fear fire.

  • hi thank you i will upload it now

  • The url isn't loading. It might have gotten accidentally changed by Scirra's wierd (but as far as I know, effective) rules for URL posting. You might be better off putting in the changes yourself. It's actually pretty easy to do once you get your head wrapped around it. Sorry I couldn't help more.

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