How do I change default test browser?

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  • I have chrome as my default browser for test but if chrome is closed the construct 2 software opens what seems to be another chrome.exe that bugs and tilt chrome so i have to end the process to open chrome again. Where can i define the chrome folder or why this happen?

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  • I never had that problem. Seems like you have 2 chrome.exe? If you open a URL from shortcut, does it open the correct chrome.exe?

  • I never had that problem. Seems like you have 2 chrome.exe? If you open a URL from shortcut, does it open the correct chrome.exe?

    yes, i didn't i have another chrome exe til now, the worst thing is that it only opens if chrome is closed but if i have chrome open it will use that browser

  • I never had that problem. Seems like you have 2 chrome.exe? If you open a URL from shortcut, does it open the correct chrome.exe?

    I solved the problem, construct is installed on my HDD and my windows is on my SSD so construct seartch for an old crhome instance i had from older windows.

  • Ah ok. 2 chrome indeed. Glad you found it.

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