[C2] NWJS "on error" missing, or seems to

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  • I want to bypass using localStorage mainly because I don't want 2 copies of save games (and the game totals ~700 MB), using NWJS (exporting as such), and only saving game values as json in the UserProfile directory. Everything seems neat and dandy so far (although I'm not done) but I can't find (I've read the manual) a way to tell if something went from. On CONDITIONS, such as "NWJS -> Path NWjs.UserFolder & SaveGame_SubDir exists", I *can* put an "Else" so at least I know, alright, that directory doesn't exist.

    But, when it comes to Actions, such as NWJS -> Write File -> "Write 'something' to file NWjs.UserFolder & SaveGame_File", there are none of the following, or at least that I can find: either an Else (which I can understand) or "if write to file fails", or "has write file finished?" (so that I can stop displaying a "Saving" text and/or icon)

    Is there a workaround to know if something fails? I don't need a baked response, even links to other resources might help :)

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