How do the c2 loading system works?

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Progress\Loading Bar. Now Load you game like a Professional.
  • It's possible to do something like this?

    • When the game is called, load JUST the first layout and let the player play it.
    • When this layout is done, call a 'loading layout' to load the next layout.. and so on.


  • You can already load just the first layout using a loader layout.

  • Zathan

    Do you mean a loading screen in-between levels? For example, something that says "Loading Level 2", Loading Level 3", etc. perhaps with an ad displaying, or hints and tips for the game?

    I believe Construct 2 shows the last view of the current layout while loading the next, so you could do something like saving the name of the layout/level you want to load to a global variable, go to the loading screen layout (which should have minimal objects to load quickly) and then on the loading screen layout go to the next level.

    If the levels are small and/or have few objects, the transition between layouts is so quick you won't even see the loading screen.

    In the example below I had to add a Wait so you would actually see the loading screen. ... evels.capx

    Click on the big blue Load button to go to the next layout via the loading screen.

  • OddConfection

    "Do you mean a loading screen in-between levels? For example, something that says "Loading Level 2", Loading Level 3", etc. perhaps with an ad displaying, or hints and tips for the game?"


    Thanks for the tips and the example


    Thank you! I'll take a look.

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  • Zathan

    Do you mean a loading screen in-between levels? For example, something that says "Loading Level 2", Loading Level 3", etc. perhaps with an ad displaying, or hints and tips for the game?

    I believe Construct 2 shows the last view of the current layout while loading the next, so you could do something like saving the name of the layout/level you want to load to a global variable, go to the loading screen layout (which should have minimal objects to load quickly) and then on the loading screen layout go to the next level.

    If the levels are small and/or have few objects, the transition between layouts is so quick you won't even see the loading screen.

    In the example below I had to add a Wait so you would actually see the loading screen.

    Click on the big blue Load button to go to the next layout via the loading screen.


    Can you send me an example file? I really need. thank you very much

  • Hello^^

    Can you send me an example file? I really need. thank you very much

    I believe this is the example I posted back then:

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