Want to build an NFL Management Game

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  • Hi everyone. I'm in the process of building a NFL football style management game. I'm wondering if Construct 2 can help me out. I would like to have Construct 2 generate the play on the field. Here is an example of the process:

    1. The user on offense for example will pick a play out of a list of plays.

    2. This will generate a decision in my server side code for the system to pick a defensive play in response.

    3. Here is where Construct 2 comes in. Can I communicate with Construct to generate the offensive and defensive side of football to run out the play? For example, place players on the field based on the play called. Can I pass for example variables such as the speed of the runner from a database or a wide receivers jumping ability?

    If you would like more information, I can explain further. Thanks everyone.

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  • 1.- floor(random(ArrayObject))

  • Thanks for the quick comment. I'm assuming this is a yes. I just starting using Construct so I have not seen how to interface with it yet. As long as I can automatically generate a layer with the players, that will work.

  • Thanks for the quick comment. I'm assuming this is a yes. I just starting using Construct so I have not seen how to interface with it yet. As long as I can automatically generate a layer with the players, that will work.

    You can communicate with external database via AJAX/PHP, check the AJAX manual entry for more detailed info on how to proceed :)

  • As long as I can automatically generate a layer with the players, that will work.

    2.- create Sprite on Layer N

    yes, SC2 will work fine man.

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