Boxes for menus and dialogs

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From the Asset Store
A well commented template with list menus and shops to use in your top-down RPGs or metroidvania games!
  • Hi there folks.

    I was willing to do some simple UI in my games, specially for menus and show text messages, anyone knows how to do it?

  • check out my platformer starter kit.

    If you are one of the lazy ones heres how i did it without plugins ages ago =

    1. Add a simple sprite to your layout. NOT a tiled BG !

    2. Call the sprite MenuBG and set its initial visibility to false

    3. On keypress ESC set visible of MenuBG to Visible

    4. Then add menu buttons and stuff the same way and your almost done.

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  • Do you have a link?

  • what you do if they are very lazy? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • cry :P

  • You said you were willing to do some simple UI. Not sure if you can get more simple than a box being made visible.

  • Yes, I�m wiiling to exactly that, but with a border as well :P

  • 's Platformer Starterkit Update 1.1

    Thanks to those people who gave me positive feedback.

    Please reply here if you like it and maybe if enough feedback comes up

    ill make a kit for other game types and release them here.

    Also ill try to put every advice in it.


    <font color="black">

    Full Feature List : </font>

    current number of events used in "ENGINE" sheet = 76

    • using one basic "engine" sheet and include it in every level plus the levels

    own sheet. This allowes me to build faster.

    • Fullscreen Toggle
    • Hide Cursor in game window
    • Touch Controls (easy to enable / disable)
    • Basic Life System
    • Save System ( with savepoints)
    • Scrolling
    • Scrolling Background via Parallax
    • Sounds

         # on jump

         # Dead

         # Powerup

         # running

         # turret sounds

         # teleport

    • Background Music (Atmo)
    • teleporters
    • Gamepad support
    • Debug options on F keys

         # F1 Fullscreen ON

         # F2 Fullscreen OFF

         # F11 Give Instant Powerup

         # F3 Show Game Info

    • Player Sprite Animations

         # Running Left & Right

    • Powerup usage
    • Custom Controls

         # WASD movement

         # Space to jump


    <font color="black">

    Informations : </font>

         # FULL Version of C2 required because i use 5 layers

         # Note that this is NOT a perfect starter kit or "engine" . Just try smth out

         and learn from parts of it. I am still a beginner and did everything in the way

         it worked the best for myself. Maybe some parts of this kit can be done better

         or more clean but hey its the first and most complete starter kit here.


    <font color="black">

    Changelog : </font>


         # Initial release

    update 1.1

         # removed "disabled" lines

         # fixed some events

         # removed 3rd party plugins

         # redone the "handmade" notification system

         # updated the project to R146

         # decided to upload the folder not the CAPX.

         # included easy to handle switch between mobile and desktop controls

         # added a 4th layer on every layout to make the above function possible

         # mayor bug fixes

         # gave every object the corrent name to achieve a better overview


    Download the Kit :


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