Blue Erebus (Particle Assistance)

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From the Asset Store
19 glow particle sprites in 4 colors and different shapes.
  • Hey everyone!

    Alright so today I would like to address an issue I've been having. I want to add more to this intro screen before I start adding levels. It is very simple I think at least but I just can not figure it out. I will look more into it, it may just be myself over thinking things, which I find myself doing a lot on construct.

    Let me know what you think of the current project as it comes along. Hopefully you guys can assist the production here in this topic.

    Here is a preview of the intro so far.

    If you have any suggestions of anything of that sort please feel free to say something down below!

    I am wanting to create the effect of dust flowing around in the air of the background making it seem more ominous. Hopefully you guys know what I mean by this. Kinda like a silent hill type dust but more floating around rather than falling.

    I was wondering if it was possible to add in a looping video as the background? Kinda something like this

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  • This should be in the How Do I forum. As to your question, I'm not sure, unfortunately, but have seen topics involving videos every now and then.

    You might want to check the How Do I forum search function or read up on the Video object in the Construct 2 manual.

  • This should be in the How Do I forum. As to your question, I'm not sure, unfortunately, but have seen topics involving videos every now and then.

    You might want to check the How Do I forum search function or read up on the Video object in the Construct 2 manual.

    inquiesco I have looked all over in the How to's but just can't seem to find anything. That's what resulted posting a new topic about it.

  • No worries, but for future reference it should be posted in that forum regardless, not here in the 'Work in Progress Addons' forum... Kyatric Could you move this please, oh mighty one?

  • inquiesco I'll add more to the subject to make it more at home here. Kyatric please don't move it. I will fix it if it's an issue.

  • Technical assistance request => How do I forum.

    Feel free when you want to talk only about the game itself and are looking more for player's feedback than having technical issues to make a new post in the "Work in progress/feedback request" section of the "your creation" forum.

    For the issue itself, it depends.

    No need for the video plugin, you can probably reproduce the effect with a Particle object with the correct settings (here trial and errors are your friends).

    Otherwise, you might create a flux of fixed sprites with sine and bullet behaviors.

    There's not one solution, and it first and foremost depends on what you're looking to do, how you setup your game/windowsize/layouts, etc...

  • Technical assistance request => How do I forum.

    Feel free when you want to talk only about the game itself and are looking more for player's feedback than having technical issues to make a new post in the "Work in progress/feedback request" section of the "your creation" forum.

    For the issue itself, it depends.

    No need for the video plugin, you can probably reproduce the effect with a Particle object with the correct settings (here trial and errors are your friends).

    Otherwise, you might create a flux of fixed sprites with sine and bullet behaviors.

    There's not one solution, and it first and foremost depends on what you're looking to do, how you setup your game/windowsize/layouts, etc...

    Kyatric I tried the particles with the sine and bullet behaviors already and so far that worked out the best. I may be able to get it working with a few variables and events.

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