everytick, globalvar"free"=0:> use acceleration towards player
on collision with obstacles, trigger once:> set custommovement disable, set globalvar"free"=1, pathfind to "player last position"
On collision with "player last position", globalvar"free"=1, trigger once:> set globalvar"free"=0, set custommovement enabled
I tried to make sense of this (still bit akward around events tbh), but couldnt get enemy to move towards enemy after hitting obstacle (without using pathfind move along), but I keep trying to hammer my brains to understand, thanks for the help!
You can also use invisible sprites as way points and have your enemies move toward them in order. You can then add logic to the enemies to stop moving to the way points when the player comes within a certain distance. There are plenty of examples of this type of AI pathfinding without the pathfinding behavior around the forums. Keep looking, you will find them.
I did thought about markers, but attempts doing so have been poor when dealing with multiple enemies. Will keep looking then.