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With Realistic Scrolling Backgrounds you have your backgrounds to a new level. We have 3 realistic backgrounds for you.
  • Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if it was possible to make a parallax backround but also keep it within my players view.I looked at the basic parallax tutorial and when my player is created in game the parallax gets all compressed and looks funky.

  • Hey Rookie,

    It is fairly easy to do. What do you mean though when you say compressed and looks funky?

  • Well when the player is created on startup the the mountains i have in place fall downwards.They slide behind one another.Its hard to explain because i have never had this issue before,I apollogize for not being as clear as i could of been.Also Thank you for the reply it means alot,I really need all the help i can get.Thanks

  • Hey no worries mate, I had a humble beginning with this program too. Its really easy to pick up though.

    When you save you project as a single file (as a Cap.x) you can then post it on a website like dropbox and it makes it very easy to help. Do that and I will sort you out.


    Here you go man hopefully this helps out with what i was talking about.Thanks for helping me.

  • Nice mountains,

    The main problem you had was that you didn't have the layers with parallax set to "show parallax in editor", if you click on a layer its an option on the left hand side of the screen (just under parallax itself).

    I have only set the X axis to scroll, so you will need to play around with the Y value but now that you can see it in the editor it should be much easier. No worries and let me know if you need any more help. ;)

  • Thank You! I love those mountains aswell ;)I owe you a million for this GenkiGenga and if i need help in the future i will come to you.Thank you once again.

  • It says you are using a newer version of construct? How do i update? it said nothing about a release

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  • Ah, you should have an email in your inbox about a newer version (though I seem to get them late a lot of the time as well).

    If you scroll to the bottom of the screen you can see "Beta Release r133", hit that and your good to go :) really no worries, I'm glad to help and look forward to seeing your project.

  • i just noticed that as soon as i looked away from this post,I had the stable version im downloading the Beta right now.I will be more than happy to keep you updated on this project,Everything is very much appreciated.

  • Hi RookieDev,

    Welcome to Construct 2. If you want to get someone's attention, you just have to remember to put the symbol followed by their name (e.g. RookieDev).

    To download the latest construct build, just click on the Construct 2 tab (at the top of the page), then select the downloads tab, then latest beta tab (alternatively just click here)

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: GenkiGenga 's way is lot faster and I hadn't noticed that before, so I'm glad I was able to learn something new as well! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Hi RookieDev,

    Welcome to Construct 2. If you want to get someone's attention, you just have to remember to put the symbol followed by their name (e.g. RookieDev).

    To download the latest construct build, just click on the Construct 2 tab (at the top of the page), then select the downloads tab, then latest beta tab (alternatively just click here)

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: GenkiGenga 's way is lot faster and I hadn't noticed that before, so I'm glad I was able to learn something new as well! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Thank you Blacksmith,

    I feel very welcome here and this will be my new home for my 2D Creations.Thank you for welcoming me to such a great community.I did download the stable version first but now i do have the beta version thanks to you guys.I feel right at home with Construct 2.Thank you

  • RookieDev,

    No problem, I'm happy to try and help out, when I can.

    I've always found the forum users to be a very friendly and helpful bunch as well!

    Hope you enjoy creating with C2!

  • Thank you guys,

    I have one more question about the backrounds,I had previous help from GenkiGenga and he did a very good job with showing me what i did wrong with my parallax views.I need to know if it possible to make my layers follow my player/Views Y cords.All i need is the horizontal parallax i just want my mountains to stay with me when i move up or down/

  • RookieDev,

    Not quite sure I understand what you are after, but I'll try to help if I can! Could you try to give me a more detailed explanation?

    Sounds like you could achieve what you want by just limiting the players Y movement! But like I said, maybe I'm not fully understanding what it is you are trying to achieve!

    I'm going to be out for most of today, so probably won't be able to look at it until tomorrow.

    Or perhaps, you could start another thread for this specific question, and someone else may be able to help you in the meantime!

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