How do I do air dash

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  • Hey guys i'm working on this platformer game where the main char can do a wall jump then air dash left, right, up, or down .I cant figure out a way to implement it properly doing set x and y have the problem of getting stuck in the terrain and x and y vector don't seem to work right either any tips guys?

    Also if anyone has more knowledge on the x and y vectors id appreciate that because my wall jump seems a bit easy to abuse being able to just scale a single wall. Is there a way to make a timer and have it reset ever time the char lands on another wall other than the one he jumped from ?

    I still consider my self an beginner to this engine and don't fully understand the deeper aspects to it like in the system conditions which probably has the solution i'm looking for.

  • Hey guys i'm working on this platformer game where the main char can do a wall jump then air dash left, right, up, or down .I cant figure out a way to implement it properly doing set x and y have the problem of getting stuck in the terrain and x and y vector don't seem to work right either any tips guys?

    Set x and y will probably teleport the player so that wont work. You can use vector x on platform to push it along or physics apply force to x will also work.

    Also if anyone has more knowledge on the x and y vectors id appreciate that because my wall jump seems a bit easy to abuse being able to just scale a single wall. Is there a way to make a timer and have it reset ever time the char lands on another wall other than the one he jumped from ?

    Yes, you can probably apply the timer to the wall. When the player collides with it, start the timer, and then in your wall jump conditions add that wall.timer must = 0 to allow wall jump.

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  • Thanks going to try that !

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