How do I make an Admob ad visible/show up? [SOLVED!]

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[C3] Banner ads, Interstitial ads, Rewared video ads, Rewarded Interstitial Ads
  • Hey JLH1964, okay, this is getting weird. I just used the verified (test app) working AdMob Ad ID in my original app, and it still didn't show up (I don't think it's because of a 'bad' ad either)! I'm worried now.

  • Then it has to be your C2 'code' or logic.

  • JLH1964, yeah, you're right, it showed up this time but not where/when I commanded it to. I just need to fiddle with my code a little bit and it should work fine soon (I'll keep you up to date:). Thank you soooooo much for the help bro (couldn't have done it without you man). By the way (last question... hopefully), do I do the exact same process with Admob and iOS?

  • Thank you soooooo much for the help bro (couldn't have done it without you man). By the way (last question... hopefully), do I do the exact same process with Admob and iOS?

    My pleasure - happy you got some progress.

    As for Admob and iOS, that's a whole different ball of wax . its the same procedure in C2, its the XDK build that can get weird.

    Feel free to start a new thread when you want help with iOS because iOS instructions could get confusing all by themselves.

  • JLH1964, could the ads not be showing up on my phone, because it's an old phone (or would that not have an effect)? I've been trying all kinds of changes regarding my code, but still, nothing's showing up:(

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  • JLH1964, could the ads not be showing up on my phone, because it's an old phone (or would that not have an effect)? I've been trying all kinds of changes regarding my code, but still, nothing's showing up:(

    I highly doubt it. my 'test' phone is 4 yrs old and ads run fine on it.

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  • I havent used the official plugin for AdMob, but the one we have developed are working really well.

    Download it from it´s free and well documented (

  • Hey JLH1964, alright, that's good to know.

    Lol, what do you think the problem could be then at this point? I mean, do I have to do the code a specific way?

    This is what my code looks like. Is there something wrong with it?

    Or, could this be the problem (that my 'Source Directory' is blank, and that my 'UI Framework' is set to "Unknown")?

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  • Hello,

    I doubt your directory issue would be a problem. Could it be the 'tap' and 'double-tap' area as you both Preload and Show Interstitial on seemingly the same action - a user tap of the same sprite. Perhaps the 'double tap' cancels the Show and instead attempts two Preloads.

    Did you use that procedure on your 'test' app where the ads worked?

  • A tip to see if your app is even requesting (requesting but not showing) ads is to go to your Admob account and see if ads were requested by the Ap Id. They usually take an hour or so to display. Looks something like this, under Impressions:

  • Hey JLH1964, here's what my requesting page shows, does it look like everything's working fine?

  • So, when I 'double-tap', it should show up in the 'Impressions' section (it's at 13 right now, but when I press 'double-tap' again in my game, the 'Impressions' section should show 14, or should there be a change in only the 'Requests' section)? What's the difference between 'Impressions' and 'Requests' (what exactly triggers them both)?

  • Are those numbers the latest figures? In Admob, switch to 'Today' view and it will show you ad activity in the last hour or so. It takes about an hour to show the figures for a session. Your screenshot is for up to the 25th. 'Todays' figues don't show unless you select 'Today' in the drop-down list.

    The only thing I can think of is that you are requesting ads but just as they are about to show, you request another add (invoke Preload) and perhaps that cancels out the 'show'. Can you test by placing the 'Show Interstitial' in another button? Or better still take out 'Preload'. All Preload does is 'loads' an ad so that when the user clicks on the 'ad-trigger', the ad shows immediately. Without using 'Preload' the 'app trigger' requests and shows an ad on a 'by request' basis. This means that the ad takes a second or two longer to show but I have many apps not using Preload and they work fine.


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