How do I Add Tilt Controls?

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  • How do I Add Tilt Controls? So what I mean is how to I tilt the device and get the character to move in the direction tilted? Thanks!

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  • Try using the "Touch" object and checking Alpha,Beta and Gamma values to capture device orientation, then, simply translate this into commands to move your character...

    EG, if Touch.AccelerationXwithG > 3 THEN move player forward (with G takes into consideration gravity)

  • [quote:3lsn29tn]Try using the "Touch" object and checking Alpha,Beta and Gamma values to capture device orientation, then, simply translate this into commands to move your character...

    EG, if Touch.AccelerationXwithG > 3 THEN move player forward (with G takes into consideration gravity)

    Could you elaborate a bit please? For example, if I am at portrait mode and I tilt the device left/right to move 10pixels at the appropriate direction, how would this be?

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