A few of my testers have asked that i add an option to lower/raise the sensitivity of the ball.
I have the events set up to check for tilt, and it worked fine with a set amount. I've tried adding an option that allows the user to touch 3 different circles that would lower, raise or keep the sensitivity the same. If they touch a certain button, that button's group gets activated and the other 2 get deactivated.
Problem: either the circles are not setting the input ( i have a GV Tilt_Select to set the input: 1, 2 or 3, then save that in localstorage) or the groups/GV are miscombobulated.
What's the best way for me to create this option?
Whatever options would serve best here?
Keeping in mind whatever option, i really need to be able to keep that option in line with the look of the game.
Thanks for any help.