How do I act upon the relations of stationary objects?

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From the Asset Store
Find the relation between animals the missing objects and fill them correctly!
  • What should happen is after a set interval, blue blocks spawn out of grey blocks touching either the red block or other blue blocks. (You'll see what I mean in the events tab.) However, for some reason, this isn't working. The only block that ever changes is the lower right block adjacent to the red one. Then it stops. I've tried setting it to colliding and overlapping but neither have worked.

    Perhaps I've overlooked something blatantly obvious, but as far as I know that isn't the case. There almost needs to be an "if touching" condition.

    Thanks for the help.

  • I'm probably missing something, but how can any collisions ever happen when there's only one sprite on the layout?

    Edit: oh wow I thought it was a tiled background

  • I'm probably missing something, but how can any collisions ever happen when there's only one sprite on the layout?

    Edit: oh wow I thought it was a tiled background

    Haha, easy mistake. But do you see what I mean? They're all touching so they should be colliding just fine. It doesn't make sense to me.

  • i think this made it work?

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  • i think this made it work?

    Could you upload the capx please?


    Never mind, it works great. Thanks for the help mate

  • Ha. I had to leave, good you have a solution.

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