I wish, I wish to see in the C3

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  • I wish, I wish to see in the C3:

    1. Work with a transparency mask.

    Why I need to do the individual sprites to close "technical issues", if I can close them easy mask transparency. (As in After Effects for example).

    2. Ability to make exceptions for Platformer behavior.

    For each object you can do "their" wall.

    3. Working with vector graphics (At least limited).

    At least in order to make the interface without loss of quality when zooming.

    4. Normal export to mobile platforms, especially on the IOS. It's a real nightmare if you want to make the game more than Flappy Bird.

    Exports, which are now to be free, so as the third-party services make applications for phones rather than construct 2. (Intel XDK is terrible).

    5. Dummy objects (like there are in 3Ds Max and After Effects). Invisible service objects. At the moment, we have to create sprites for service objects that are not rational.

    6. Make icon cache independent of the settings of Windows.

    What I can not create in the project more than 2000 unique objects, with no edits the registry Windows - it's awful.

    7. Return the support CocoonJS, as an alternative way of exports.

    Currently, CocoonJS provides significantly better performance than Intel XDK, Ejecta and even clean Cordova.

    8. Remove the required objects to the browser icon.

    Why do we need them? Who needs can add them separately.

    9. Make it official support of the program "Spriter" and add plugin in C3 bundle, so this is the only 100% compatible tool for the normal animation.

    10. I wish that when you export a mono sound in m4a, it also remained a mono sound, while not encoded in stereo.

    11. The priority in the development of C3 must be the performance of the games, and then everything else.

  • i want C3 to support 3d game development if it does then C3 becomes easiest 3D game engine because its event system is really easy hope so scirra should add 3D game development in C3

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  • i want C3 to support 3d game development if it does then C3 becomes easiest 3D game engine because its event system is really easy hope so scirra should add 3D game development in C3

    3D - a completely different sphere, is much more complex 2D.

    Make good support for 3D creation is equivalent to a completely new engine, which is a lot of unnecessary tools for 2D games.

  • Why try to turn the product into something it's not ? If people want 3D, there are tools already - why not use Unity with some of the numerous plugins to help with gameplay logic (node based logic, event sheets, etc.). It's the easiest it can be when it comes to 3D ; an easier solution would necessarily become too restrictive or constrained.

  • There were some attempts to make "easy to use" 3D engines in the past, none of them really succeded but you cant blame them. A construct 3d would never be as easy to use as the existing one because 3d is a different beast. Id rather have Scirra stay with what they do best, which is a really cool 2d engine than compete with Unity etc.

  • * Better support for isometric games. Construct 2 is great for platformers and top down games etc, but now time to move to 2.5D.

    * 3D sprites. I'm not meaning talking about full 3D, but possibility to have 3D objects as sprites. (Like coins, powerups, characters, vehicles etc, ) small things that you would want to rotate in many angles without having a lot of frames rendered.

    * Vector support - Ability to load SVG's as sprites.

    * Vector curves & shapes - Draw paths that objects or characters can follow.

    * Instant brain-to-construct connection, so everything you wanna do just happens automatically.

  • I need the ability to change the Time Scale for all objects, and maybe plugins.

  • Timescale for rewind and play forward. number 2 from ilimi list

  • Timescale for rewind and play forward. number 2 from ilimi list


  • Very important! It is necessary to add the event to "reset groups on "sheet_name" "

  • a dark interface editor, running natively on linux!

  • a dark interface editor, running natively on linux!

    Dark interface has long been there. In the setting "Dark Gray".

    However, a change of the interface can sometimes lead to errors.

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