Windows 8

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  • 11 posts
  • I'm looking at getting a new laptop and want to make sure that Construct 2 installs on Windows 8. I have no machine with Windows 8 as of now. I know it exports Windows 8 apps, but I'm more concerned with developing on Windows 8.

  • I'm on W8 and it runs fine. haven't had any problems with it.

  • thanks

  • I actually develop Construct 2 on Windows 8, so it's actually more likely to work on Windows 8 than other versions of Windows!

  • That is good to know.

    Is 4GB of RAM enough? I found a cheap refurbished machine, but it has 4GB of ram.

    Also...any experience with AMD vs Intel?

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  • 4 GB should be plenty for Construct 2! It should even run well with 2 GB RAM, it doesn't need much memory.


    And even if you meet a lot of people who thinks it sucks, that's even better! No one will think of stealing your laptop! XD

  • last question...

    what processor do you have?

    I'm looking at Core 2 Duo vs i3 vs i5 right now

    This laptops sole purposes will be:

    Construct 2 dev & testing

    NXT-G (Lego Robotics)

    Arduino Development

    Web Browsing

  • I would take the i3 or i5 over the duo any day of the week. Faster, more cores, better on energy consumption. And if it has built in graphics (Intel HD Graphics) then the core i3 and i5 will kill the duo.

  • I have it narrowed down to two fairly different laptops. I need two on a limited are the links with my view.

    Used by youth for:

    Construct 2 development & testing

    Arduino programming

    NXT-G LEGO robotics programming

    Here is a cheap option. DELL Latitude E6400 Notebook Intel Core 2 Duo 2.80GHz 14.1" 4GB Memory 320GB HDD DVDRW NVIDIA NVS 160M

    + Bigger Screen

    + dedicated graphics gpu

    + Can be upgraded to 8GB (not sure if that would help much here)

    + Can buy 2 for $550

    • older processor
    • Windows 7 Professional instead of Win8
    • Refurbished is okay but sometimes not

    Dell Latitude

    ASUS VivoBook X202E-DH31T 11.6-Inch Touch Laptop

    + Energy efficient

    + Light and very portable

    + Touch screen (help in basic Win 8 app testing)

    + Win 8 Home Premium (64-bit)

    + HDMI output

    +/- Smaller Screen (could be plus since it is closer to standard 10.1" tablet size).

    • Integrated graphics gpu
    • Cannot add memory (may not be a big deal)
    • 2 of them cost $800 vs $550 of the other laptop


    Even though it's $250 more total for two, I'm leaning towards the Vivobooks because of the touch screen, Windows 8, newer generation processor, and portability.

    I know you mentioned a tablet is a much better for testing due to the way you hold a tablet vs notebook, but I have a couple of android tablets to test...assuming I am developing for Android & Win8 I will have a true feel of how it plays in tablet form.

    The screen is smaller, but I do a lot of work on my Transformer Prime 10.1" tablet remotely accessing my desktop (now becoming ancient)...while the 14.1 inch would definitely be nicer to work with, I think the kids will be fine with the 11.6"...this is my biggest concern and I may just be rationalizing the decision.

    Also...since it has HDMI, I can use it with my monitor or my HDTV television.

    In theory, I believe the Vivobooks will last the kids 3-5 years of use vs an estimated 2 years with the E6400

    Am I missing anything and thinking straight? Thanks for all your advice and input so far.

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