Visual Dictionary/Arrays

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From the Asset Store
This music pack covers differents situations for visual novels, anime games and many more!
  • It would be a very neat feature if we could edit our Array and Dictionary objects real-time (as in edit the default options) and maybe when you were tweaking it with events, you can preview the table.

  • It wouldn't be too hard to make a little app yourself that can do this. Basically a tile-based level editor but instead of placing tiles you select the cell and give it the text from a nearby text box or drop-down menu. Actually I think someone made something like that for arrays in CC. Might look into it!

  • In terms of previewing the data, I highly recommend installing the plugin "Console Logger" by wgfunstorm with array logging functionality added by me:


    This then spits your array out into the console tab:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Or in the case of large arrays:

    <img src="" border="0">

  • speaking of arrays While we are on topic I have one issue with this regarding with 4 array for dialogue. Is it code effecient to use array or to use text with set position style ontop an animation scene then destroy. Because the tutorial version of array isnt specific on to show how to work or in what situation can it be used as. All i see is just jibberish that says blah blah that how the world work. lol

  • It would be a very neat feature if we could edit our Array and Dictionary objects real-time (as in edit the default options) and maybe when you were tweaking it with events, you can preview the table.

    Hi Rory, I couldn't agree more. I often have a ton of actions at the start up of my games dedicated to populating initial values. This could be achieved with JSON and XML, but this really seems like such a basic useful feature that should be built into C2.

  • That would be great, I find it very difficult to visualize arrays, since everything on C2 is more intuitive/visual.

    Thanks for the plugin boolean

  • boolean I mean it would be easy to get the data runtime, but I usually want to set up a huge database of say Items and stats on the items, and it gets really hard to edit these values through events when I don't get to visualize it. But that is useful :) Thank you!

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  • was just looking for the same thing, having this would be reeeally neat

  • It's possible with the new debugger.

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