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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Hi everyone.

    I got quite a good experience on GMS working on tiny games and prototypes.

    But as i can't work so much on code, and it takes so much time to learn and master, i finally took a look on C2.

    And i must admit , the software became really really good. As more and more beautiful projects are coming with C2,

    i start to think of buying it. (because of courses, layers and event limitations are really too low to make an average full game.)

    But here's my question : The website says "All updates free for life"

    Sounds good. But will this still be true if one day C2 becomes Construct 3 or i don't know "Construct evolution" or something like this.

    Because i'm quite short on cash, and i would defenetly buy it if i can use it for years, it would certainly be a good investment.

    But what if a new "construct" comes out soon... (like next year)

    Just wondering,

  • It probably means the "life" of Construct 2 itself, so any patches that come for it ever will still be available to you. It also means you can use Construct 2 for the rest of your life (as long as it runs on the operating system/computer of the future of course).

    Construct 3 (I think) is going to be a separate product you can pay to upgrade to.

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  • Construct 3 (I think) is going to be a separate product you can pay to upgrade to.

    Thats what i thought too. But this upgrade to new construct is the question. It would be nice to have a discount compared to people who haven't purchased it.

    And i was wondering if people think C3 or newer product will be on the market soon or not at all.

    Anyway, i think i'll buy it, seems a good deal.

    thank you for you input !

  • I believe it has been stated that Construct 3 will be available at a discount for people who purchased C2.

    C2 is quite good, and I would recommend it even though C3 might be a year or two away.

  • I think Ashley still maintains the free version even. He is very proud of his work. I think he will keep this updated, as much as possible as far as keeping it bug free. I just don't think there are any more features to be added.

    I defiantly got my money out of C2 so far. I will be buying C3. I love how it is focused on 2D rather than trying to be the "Be all, end all" solution like Unity for 2D games. 2D with Unity was an afterthought. The tools are all geared for 3D.

    I also like the quick responses to (actual) problems. Most software I have bought through the years have nameless faceless tech support with no way of contacting the core programmers or designers.


    +1 for I bet Ashley will support if for a long time.

  • I believe it has been stated that Construct 3 will be available at a discount for people who purchased C2.

    C2 is quite good, and I would recommend it even though C3 might be a year or two away.

    I also remember a post like that.

    Anyway, i think i'll buy it, seems a good deal.

    It definetly is. Construct 3 is far away and we have no idea when can we expect even an alpha version. So in my opinion, if you can afford it and you see Construct 2 as a product that fits your needs, then go for it. You won't regret buying it.

  • It's a bit like saying I won't buy this PC this year because in 2 years the spec will be out of date, you end up never taking the plunge, so in my opinion I would just buy it, you won't regret it, as mentioned the support, updates and community are a reason alone to purchase C2, you won't regret it.


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