Some SVN questions

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  • Hi, everyone!

    My team decided to start using SVN so we're learning about it right now, but I have a couple of questions.

    I understand that if we assign a layout to each member (we're three of us) and then he/she edits that layout then commits the changes, when the others make an update the changes to the layout will reflect to each of us.

    However, the problem appears to be that the ".caproj" and the ".uistate" contain many information that can change when editing single layouts. For example, if I add a layout or even a sprite to my layout, then save, my .caproj will contain different information, so if another team member does the same the file will now be different. If I upload the modified file and he/she updates, SVN says there's inconsistency, and now we don't have the same file.

    My first question is, can we both edit the project at the same time? Which could mean, can we both edit the .caproj at the same time, saving changes for each editor, then joining them into a single file? And if it's possible, how can it be done?

    My second question is, will Construct 2 sometime implement a way for two or more people to work live in the same file (a la google docs)?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read all of this <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • SVN provides 'merge' functionality to combine changes if two people make conflicting changes. It's a normal part of source control. For example: one of you commits a new layout. There is a new tag in the .caproj showing it. The second person has also added a new layout and wants to commit. SVN won't let them commit because there are new changes to the .caproj from the other person, so it should force you to update first. When you update, you'll get a "conflict resolution" message: they have a different tag to the one on source control. It's pretty simple, you basically double click somewhere to say use both tags, and you're done. This is how SVN is typically used, there's nothing special about C2 here.

    Don't add .uistate files to source control. There is a comment in these files describing why:

    his is a UI state file - its content describes the user interface settings when the layout was last open. It is entirely optional and the project will load without it. If you are placing the project under source control, you probably do not want to add any .uistate.xml files to the repository.

    They just store what windows you had open last and stuff - it's just for you personally, and you don't want to share that information with the rest of your team.

    ill Construct 2 sometime implement a way for two or more people to work live in the same file (a la google docs)

    Probably not in the forseeable future - this is an extremely complicated feature to implement. We have a lot of other things to do, and in my experience SVN works really well for cooperating anyway.

  • Well, now that I know about merging it appears that I wouldn't need the other function anyway, so please forget I ever asked xD

    Thank you very much for the support!

    I have one last question, though... If I have a license and the other team members don't, what would happen if, for example, I save the project with a family added? Or what will happen if I got to 101 events? does it simply becomes impossible to open in their computers?

  • If you split up responsibilities (eg you take care of the player including movement and stuff, and I'll do the random level generation) you can create multiple event sheets and attach them to the same layout and then you're mostly just working in separate files. No need for everything to be in 1 monster event sheet.

    Also we have been using Mercurial which has many of the same features as SVN like merging and it works fine.

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  • I have one last question, though... If I have a license and the other team members don't, what would happen if, for example, I save the project with a family added? Or what will happen if I got to 101 events? does it simply becomes impossible to open in their computers?

    Free licensed version of C2 can still open projects with more than 100 events/families/etc..., can preview them but can't edit those.

  • Ok, got it all. Nothing more to ask. Thank you very much!

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