[SUGGESTION] Gaming mouses

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  • 12 posts
  • Can you add support for Gaming Mouses? Gaming mouses have more buttons! e.g. two side buttons, thumb wheel, etc.. Search Gaming Mouses on Amazon!

  • what do you mean, support for gaming mouses? the mouse plugin already has a input detection for all mouses no matter if has the default 3 buttons or 10

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  • what do you mean, support for gaming mouses? the mouse plugin already has a input detection for all mouses no matter if has the default 3 buttons or 10

    on't think so. (I checked, no support for gaming mouses, only support for normal mouses)

  • oh i think i got confused with the touch input detection, i think touch should work for custom buttons(but im not entirely certain i remember that has a detect input at index 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc which detects the buttons on mouse or multi touch screen but again not sure if applies to mouse or only to touch), but yea, multiple mouse buttons should be supported, nice request +1.


    however i have a gaming mouse, but the extra side buttons, are by default for browser forward/backwards, unless i map them in the mouse settings in windows. so you see that games made in C2 if are not exported in NW.js or for desktop platforms, wold have a issue even if mouse multiple buttons are supported. since wold switch the browser... but i guess it could be made so it overrides the default functions if supported as C2 plugin. but im not sure how practical that wold be. im guessing the best approach wold be to create the mapping of the gaming mouse by Browser.object to cancel the gaming mouse default controls for the extra buttons, and assign them to something else in the game in a menu but that is an entire headache, by itself.

    Edit2: maybe this request should be in the Plugin request section? maybe some plugin guru will pick up the challenge?

  • I'm not sure how the gaming mouse inputs are registered, but the Keyboard object might do the trick.

    You can use the conditions "Key code is down" or "On key code pressed" and put the specific code for that button. You can find a button's code using the expression "LastKeyCode".

  • I'm not sure how the gaming mouse inputs are registered, but the Keyboard object might do the trick.

    You can use the conditions "Key code is down" or "On key code pressed" and put the specific code for that button. You can find a button's code using the expression "LastKeyCode".

    t's a MOUSE. Not a KEYBOARD. (I'm not mad, I'm just giving you info )

  • Is still a button, an input. I'm not at home to test it on my A4Tech Bloody V5, but it might work

  • Yup, doesn't work ... It was worth a try <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    These buttons are XButton1 and XButton2 .

    XButton1 -- 4th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Back
    XButton2 -- 5th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Forward[/code:3ounoxf0]
  • This topic may be relevant:

    From JavaScript there doesn't seem to be a way to access the additional buttons. The mouse api alluded to being able to, but in the example capx using it shows that it doesn't work.

    You could map the buttons to keyboard keys or if you use just nwjs there may be way to utilize an addon to use another language to access more of the system than what the browser usually permits.

  • This topic may be relevant:

    From JavaScript there doesn't seem to be a way to access the additional buttons. The mouse api alluded to being able to, but in the example capx using it shows that it doesn't work.

    You could map the buttons to keyboard keys or if you use just nwjs there may be way to utilize an addon to use another language to access more of the system than what the browser usually permits.

    s there a way to support it on Free edition?

  • Yup, doesn't work ... It was worth a try <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    These buttons are XButton1 and XButton2 .

    XButton1 -- 4th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Back
    XButton2 -- 5th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Forward[/code:3920tw9y]
    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> Very Useful!! Thanks!!!!  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">
  • No, you'd need an exe export so you can add additional code to do stuff beyond what browsers allow JavaScript to do.

    It's unlikely someone will get this working though.

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