is there a way to make monster go right,left (sine behaviour) but when he go left his face go to left also when he go right his face go to right ?
if there isn't a way should you guys make a behaviour for that or edit sine?
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While sin is active have an event checking every tick which direction sprite is moving, and flip sprite.
i don't get it , is it like this?
<img src="" border="0" />
i want it like this when he go right i want him to face it (right side):
<img src="" border="0" />
While sin is active
Sin is always active in Sin City. ^^
Cool not commented but explicit capx
Here is an example using the sine cycle to mirror the image.
LOL - Kyatric - Yours flips in the middle, not at the ends <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">
It gives some momentum impression.
Anyway the idea is there, spot the moment in the cycleposition when you need to mirror the image.
thanks both of you ^^ good and works fine!
I was looking for this solution all morning... Thanks
jogosgratispro at least you used the search not like some others :P good luck with your game
I love you <3
Finally a solution to my problem!