Russian language (HOT)

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  • Russian language

    Good afternoon. Since the release of the first version of the program passed a long time. However, the support of the Russian language in the program and have not appeared. I ask you to do normal, high-quality translation into Russian at least for those who have purchased a license (in Steam inclusive). I personally don't really convenient to work in the application in a foreign language. It reduces my speed in the application. Please pay attention to me, this is a hot topic.


    Русский язык

    Добрый день. С момента выхода первой версии программы прошло уже много времени. Однако поддержка русского языка в программе так и не появилась. Прошу сделать нормальный, качественный перевод на русский язык хотя бы для тех кто приобрёл лицензию (в Steam включительно). Мне лично не очень удобно работать в приложении на неродном языке. Это снижает мою скорость работы в приложении. Прошу обратить на меня внимание, это актуальная тема.

  • Construct 2 uses a pretty simple language. I guess using English also serves educational purposes, that's why I don't think this is actually a hot topic. I don't know if C2 has a separate language file, if it has, I can voluntarily translate it, but smb need to make an animation for my hero in Spriter to compensate time investment

  • The file for multiple language support cannot be used Bass_X , since the translation process was not Finished.

  • I don't want o be rude, but the English language should be standard knowledge new days, especially for people who program . Also JavaScript, C++and other programming languages are also in English.

  • Такая масштабная программа просто обязана быть мультиязычной!

    This ambitious program is simply obliged to be multilingual!

  • Well Construct 3 has been announced and should allow for translation.

    Otherwise, since the year you have posted, C2 has still continued to spread despite being English only and it's OK so far.

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  • As Kyatric said. If Ashley makes it possible to translate the language file in the software for C3 this problem would be solved. And I can see many tutorials in Russian so if tools are provided to translate construct it wouldn't take long for a russian version.

  • Anonnymitet: Your point is actually not at all important and even pretty offensive. Please edit your previous message.

    When you were 6 and even a few years after, you weren't able to understand and express yourself in English like you were in your native language.

    Blaming on politicians or "forcing the world to learn English" is NOT a solution or even a good idea.

    Actually allowing for a software to be translated is actually critical for its spread and its reach in education system of other countries.

    Unfortunately, it's been stated that it will unlikely happen to C2.

    Fortunately, C3's interface should allow for such translation and such language penetration.

  • Kyatric Now when I read my post again I can see what you mean and it was pretty clumpsy written by me. Might not be taken as light hearted as I actually intended it to be. I've edited the post.

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