[Request] Collapse all events

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Very simple code without excess options (15 events for server and 11 events for client)
  • Sometimes when I open an event sheet, all of the events are open! This is bad, because it means I now need to close/collapse all events (yet again!) which is a bad use of time as it makes for a cluttered and messy viewing experience, and makes it harder to get where I want to go in the sheet if I have to scroll past every event line.

    There is an option to "collapse all groups", but no option to "collapse all events". Events are able to open and close like Groups, so it would be cool if we could extend this feature to events!


  • Even better, the xml sheet that stores your events should be able to remember if you left it open as of saving.

  • 3rd'ed

    The reason this happens for me is when ever i close C2 while having something in the search text. If i clear the search before i save and close then its remembered correctly what is collapsed and what isn't.

  • troublesum

    Nice Bug spotting, I don't think anyone has reported that before? It must just be the "search" thing causing it to expand all events, I'll keep that in mind.

  • Huh, didn't you use groups?

  • Joannesalfa Yep, I use groups! But sometimes, usually in large projects, you don't need all subevents showing (look up the Construct 2 manual if you don't know what subevents are). However, at this point in the topic we have established that Construct 2 remembers which events are collapsed, aside when you do a search and forget to clear it, so this request is less necessary now.

  • I've personally feel that all tree's by default should be collapsed. Alternatively a toggle option in the settings for default tree mode would be ideal.

  • Ashley

    This would be great.

    Also, if we could click anywhere on an event sheet and get 'Collapse/Expand Groups' and 'Collapse/Expand Events'. Right now, with groups, you have to right click on a group to collapse all groups. I think it would be faster to have it in the general right click menu.

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  • +1

  • It would be great if it would make

  • 2016 and I still +1 .

  • I also want this feature. I have events like ten levels deep so it would help a lot.

  • It would be nice to have it. +1

  • Right hand click on the event group scroll down to collapse all....also ..read the manual

    left mouse buttons are action oriented..right mouse are power user controls in general

  • Right hand click on the event group scroll down to collapse all....also ..read the manual

    True, but you still can't collapse all events with sub-events as far as I know.

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