Release v200.

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  • 6 posts
  • So here's the big question!?

    What is Construct v200 as a "big" update going to bring new ?

    Is it going to be just a regular update, or will we see... "fireworks" ?

  • it will be just another update, but that's not really a bad thing most C2 updates are full of great new features

  • No big updates. Personally I think since 200 is a regular update. The team should roll out some last features in January/Febuary. Hire some one to maintain C2, and then start working on C3. The last big bottle necks for C2 to be fully robust is the core 3rd party IDE that C2 uses. The IDE lacks the ability for some major features

    dynamic plugin loading

    Developer IDE tools


    IDE access Scirra store

    anyways that's my opinion.

  • No big updates. Personally I think since 200 is a regular update. The team should roll out some last features in January/Febuary. Hire some one to maintain C2, and then start working on C3. The last big bottle necks for C2 to be fully robust is the core 3rd party IDE that C2 uses. The IDE lacks the ability for some major features

    dynamic plugin loading

    Developer IDE tools


    IDE access Scirra store

    anyways that's my opinion.

    and I will give you big +1 for this.

    also I would loved to see "components" in layout editor. You could set multiple objects size, position etc, pin them together and all sort of stuff. So in event you simply say "move component to x=100" and everything in that component will behave respectively - without a need for making few dozens of events just to place, compare, test and pin objects together - this is not fun at all

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  • > No big updates. Personally I think since 200 is a regular update. The team should roll out some last features in January/Febuary. Hire some one to maintain C2, and then start working on C3. The last big bottle necks for C2 to be fully robust is the core 3rd party IDE that C2 uses. The IDE lacks the ability for some major features


    > dynamic plugin loading

    > Developer IDE tools

    > Modularity

    > IDE access Scirra store


    > anyways that's my opinion.


    and I will give you big +1 for this.

    also I would loved to see "components" in layout editor. You could set multiple objects size, position etc, pin them together and all sort of stuff. So in event you simply say "move component to x=100" and everything in that component will behave respectively - without a need for making few dozens of events just to place, compare, test and pin objects together - this is not fun at all

    A hundred times this, C2 needs a proper grouping tool with relative positioning and group actions - layers and families only work so far. A proper moveTo or tween behaviour would make my Christmas.

  • Shameless plug... hear it from the man himself : ... nstruct-2/

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