So I came across this post recently, in which Ashley states that the quicksave/quickload function will hopefully be available within the next few stable releases.
It's been a while since that post, and there is still no sign of it arriving. I know that Scirra has a long to-do list, but I feel that this feature should have a higher priority than most on there.
First off, the current state of saving in C2 is fine for small games. But once you start getting into more complex layouts and more variables and objects, saving becomes an extremely arduous task. If you look at most of the games on the arcade, they are all small, short and fun games. There are next to no decent length RPG's, adventures, or anything else that requires a simpler way of saving.
I just think that the lack of this feature is preventing C2 from making the jump from 'mini-game engine' to a full-fledged 'game engine'.
If this post sounded accusing in any way, I'm sorry. I don't mean to point the finger of blame towards Scirra in any way, means, or form, I'm just trying to present my point in a way that will hopefully show how urgently this feature is needed.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!