Question on Licensing Agreement [ Question Answered ]

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  • Hello,

    I'm new to Construct 2. Anyway I was just reading the Licensing Agreement, is " D. Games " referring to games you create in CS2 or is it referring to games you purchase from the store ?

  • Scirra's license pertains to content you create in the Construct 2 editor.

    Content, sold in the store, made in C2, by someone else, would have its own license.

    So if you purchase something from the store, and edit it using C2 then you would be liable to Scirra's license agreement, if you make a profit off of it.

    If you purchase content from the store, and do not edit it using Construct 2 you are only bound by the licensing of that content.

  • So

    [quote:wxo5d1un]Games are for personal use only. You may not use the games or any part of the games content for any commercial, promotional, institutional, corporate or teaching purposes.

    is referring to games you purchase in the store, right ?

  • The store sells both.

    You are bound by the license of each individual item.

  • I don't think your understanding my question. My question is , are games created with CS2 allowed to be used in commercial, promotional, institutional, corporate or teaching purposes ? Because it seems the licence is saying the opposite. I'm not talking about games you purchase, I'm talking about games you create.

  • I don't know what CS2 is, I don't even know what license you are reading.

    This tells about the different versions of Construct 2.

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  • CS2 = Construct 2,

    Okay I figured it out,

    Games You purchases from store =

    Games are for personal use only. You may not use the games or any part of the games content for any commercial, promotional, institutional, corporate or teaching purposes.

    Games You Create with CS2

    Commercial? Yes, if licence.

  • The store assets have different licenses. You have to check each section carefully. Game Templates have a different license than Games with Source.

  • What is this talking about ? :

    Games you create with Construct 2 ?

  • Second paragraph: Each game you purchase (from that section of the store).

  • Thanks !

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