Project Platforms

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • I was watching a C2 tutorial on Youtube. When the host was exporting his project there was an Android icon in the mobile section. Is that a different build or a beta version? Will that option be integrated into C2 in the foreseeable future? Thanks

  • I was watching a C2 tutorial on Youtube. When the host was exporting his project there was an Android icon in the mobile section. Is that a different build or a beta version? Will that option be integrated into C2 in the foreseeable future? Thanks

    Please read the manual.

    Android export is part of the Cordova export option.

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  • > I was watching a C2 tutorial on Youtube. When the host was exporting his project there was an Android icon in the mobile section. Is that a different build or a beta version? Will that option be integrated into C2 in the foreseeable future? Thanks


    Please read the manual.

    Android export is part of the Cordova export option.


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