Please improve gamepad plugin

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  • Hi,

    I would like to ask to improve the gamepad plugin.

    First of all, add separate expressions for "last button pressed" and "last button released". Atm when two buttons are being hold simultaneously, but then one released, the released button is not registered when "On gamepad button Gamepad.LastButton()". (Maybe there is another way if anyone knows? )

    Secondly please fix the issue where there are no keycodes for for left and right analog stick UP and LEFT directions.



  • You should already be able to get the last pressed vs. last released simply by updating two global variables to the LastButton expression in 'On any button pressed' and 'On any button released'.

    I'm not sure what the problem with the analog sticks is: they are axes, not buttons, so they don't have keycodes. You have to handle keys and axes separately.

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  • You should already be able to get the last pressed vs. last released simply by updating two global variables to the LastButton expression in 'On any button pressed' and 'On any button released'.

    I'm not sure what the problem with the analog sticks is: they are axes, not buttons, so they don't have keycodes. You have to handle keys and axes separately.

    Hi, Ok, i get it now how the sticks are working, and why I can see 2 keycodes instead of 4. Released buttons works like a charm. Was so fixated on keycodes that I've missed that. Thanks!

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