Please help to add event in construct 2

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • When I make my game get into trouble when adding event in construct 2 ,,,,, I can not exceed the specified event ............. how to get event in construct 2 can add up to 200 ..... so that my game can be continued in the making ......

    Please help ..... thank you

  • When I make my game get into trouble when adding event in construct 2 ,,,,, I can not exceed the specified event ............. how to get event in construct 2 can add up to 200 ..... so that my game can be continued in the making ......

    Please help ..... thank you

    Are you using the free edition?

  • Yes ,,, i use the free version

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  • How the solution .... please help me ....... game that I will make I will use for college exam

  • How the solution .... please help me ....... game that I will make I will use for college exam

    You do understand that the free version has the following limitations:


    A maximum of 100 events in a project

    A maximum of 4 layers in any layout

    A maximum of 2 effects in a project

    No folder organisation in the project bar

    No event search

    No configurations bar

    No Families

    No Preview on LAN

    Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes (however, it can be used in education and other non-profit organisations)

    So are you saying you have reached the free version limit?

    If so, then there is nothing anyone can do to overcome this other than buying a license.

  • ok thanks...for information......

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