Performance Testing with Background Images

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  • Has anyone done any perf testing on desktop and mobile in regards to background tiles?

    Lets say I make a background map that is 3000x3000.

    Ideally I would break that up into smaller chunks so the system can render less stuff that is offscreen.

    To that end, what is the right size?

    256x256? 1200x1200?

    How big of chunks should I break my 3000x3000 image up into.

    These are not repeating pieces so tiledBG is not an option.

  • I've put 50.000 sprites with 5000x5000 pixels in size at some point - it basically destroyed my browser :D

    ...but before that with 5000x5000 I had steady 60fps with something about 1000 sprites on screen.

  • I've put 50.000 sprites with 5000x5000 pixels in size at some point - it basically destroyed my browser :D

    ...but before that with 5000x5000 I had steady 60fps with something about 1000 sprites on screen.

    So I guess I'm really talking about how the system handles the size of sprites rather than count. On mobile and desktop. If I have one giant sprite that I move around rather than 10 smaller ones.

  • Graphics cards do not render anything offscreen automatically.

  • See Best Practices. You should definitely not use lots of big images like that, not because it's slow, but because you'll run out of memory.

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  • See Best Practices. You should definitely not use lots of big images like that, not because it's slow, but because you'll run out of memory.

    Perfect, I am going to stick with 500x500 for now and try 256 if it helps :)

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