nw.js for C2 - newer version

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A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • The latest version on the website is 0.54.0 which is also what is running in my C2.

    I have found that there's newer version on nwjs.io which is version 0.71.0

    It is zip file.

    Question 1. Is it safe to use the newer version with C2? Or would it mess up things?

    Question 2. Since it is a zip file: where should I place the files?

  • It's safe but you need to clean up any unnecessary files. That was one of the main reasons for why Scirra provided them, instead of letting us do it manually.

  • Ah ok! I will try to locate the folder myself by comparing files.

    EDIT: do you mean that I *have to* remove irrelevant files from the nw.js for it to work?

    Suffice to say I don't know much about nw.js only that it is a neater way to display the game..

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  • Ah ok! I will try to locate the folder myself by comparing files.

    EDIT: do you mean that I *have to* remove irrelevant files from the nw.js for it to work?

    Suffice to say I don't know much about nw.js only that it is a neater way to display the game..

    Not required at all. It will work either way but it will be bloated (total file size) when you distribute it.

  • Ah ok! Right now it is for testing purposes so it will suffice.

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