Non-game features

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Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template)
  • Hello everyone,

    The longer I use Construct 2 as a game maker, the more things I would love to make with it, outside of games.

    There is a feature that I would LOVE to see added to C2 to give the ability to make apps that aren't just games. (don't get me wrong it makes some EPIC games as-is)

    • The ability to run in the background

    For example, if I wanted to make a simple timer/alarm clock app, it would be super easy with construct 2, except when they leave the app in the background, the alarm/sounds wouldn't play.

    That is the main feature I see missing, but if you guys have any non-game features you would love to see added, comment below and I'll try to keep this post edited.

    Thanks guys


    PS: Just to make sure nobody misunderstands me, this has NOTHING to do with C2's ability to make games, that it does great.

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  • I'm not sure, but can it be done with a Cordova plugin? Sound like your request is more reliant on the wrapper, rather than the engine. But I might as well be wrong.

  • I'm not sure, but can it be done with a Cordova plugin? Sound like your request is more reliant on the wrapper, rather than the engine. But I might as well be wrong.

    Thanks for the heads up, I'll give Cordova a try.

    I'll also try to update this, if I get it working with a certain wrapper/method.

  • The feature you want is push requests, which already exist in varying ways as plugs, and services.

    The app itself cannot be made to run in the background.

    It can however make calls to the system to schedule an alarm if an api exists.

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