HTML5 on PS Vita

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  • Just in case anyone cared, the upcoming Playstation Vita will have HTML5 support in the browser.


  • Great! The question is will be it any good though? For example Android's browser isn't great with HTML5 (although that's supposed to be fixed in Android 4).

  • Has anyone tested the performance of C2 games on this?

  • Cool! Now I have an excuse to get a PS Vita.

    Great! The question is will be it any good though? For example Android's browser isn't great with HTML5 (although that's supposed to be fixed in Android 4).

    That explains why my game is painfully slow when I test it on my tablet.

  • I don't have one myself, but would love to hear any results about using it on the Vita. Anyone know what browser it uses?

  • Ashley: It uses a WebKit-based browser named "NetFront".

  • Well it is promising, since this device is made for games, surely the developers would not forget html5. If only the flipping browser can access all the hardware!

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  • AT least, they did something right, the User Agent is specific, so you can serve pages customised to the Vita. For everything else, forget it. To get the 3 hours battery life, they throttled everything.

    The build is an old Webkit one.

    No <video>, no <audio> no webworkers, no SVG inpage, no WebGL, no Websocket, no FileReader, no Webstorage, no Geolocation... That was two months ago. An update was released recently, but I have no informations on that one.

    Anyway, think about that : Sony, as every other console maker loses money on the hardware, and use it to boost software sales. The more time you are on the web to play free games, the more they are losing money. Apple is the contrary. The more time you pass online on non-AppStore webapp/webgame, the less financial burden on them for running and curating the AppStore...

    Sony has incentive to push you out of the web, Apple has his interesting in pushing you out of the AppStore.

  • Hello, I have a PS Vita, I will make a test this evening and I will report my experience :)

  • Hello

    I have a Vita so i just tested this

    A single test stage with 2 moving tanks and a player

    Performance was better than on my Sony tablet s, i'd compare it to internet explorer on Lumia 800, slightly better than on iPad2

    One thing though, it seems to use mouse input for touch just like on Winphone 7

  • Hello,

    I just tested my 3D Stars snippets with the PS Vita, but it seems that it doesn't support webgl's very very sloooooow.

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