About groups

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  • 7 posts
  • Hi, where can I find a good explanation about groups? I tryed alone to activate a group to execute an action but nothing is happening...

    Thanks in advance!

  • They simply organize events and allow activation/deactivation of said events.

    Think of sub-events. If an event's conditions are true, then the sub-events are executed. Same thing happens here except true & false are activated & deactivated.

    If you want to execute an event when the group is active, try "Is group active" under system conditions.

  • Exactly. Im using like you are saying. See:

    1) I start a group deactivated

    2) I have a "Is Group active" condition

    3) I execute some action when group became active

    4) I deactive again.

    To activate, Im puting a code on a "On Start Layout" event

    but notting is happening.

    Can I anex a program to be tested? So you can see what I am doing

    Thanks for reply

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  • Can you post a .capx? I did this and it worked..

    +Start Of Layout

    -Activate Group


    Group (Deactivated at start)


    +Group is activated

    • Set text to "Group is activated"
  • Its worked! The problem was that I was creating an Event Sheet for each layout. Now I have created a global one and activated just right but I had to put an "and" was beginning to make sure that the correct layout. Thanks for the help!

  • Cool cool. Also, there's really no need to use "Is group active" inside of the group. Events in the group are executed as soon as the group is activated, so 'trigger once' or even a blank event will work.

  • Cool cool. Also, there's really no need to use "Is group active" inside of the group. Events in the group are executed as soon as the group is activated, so 'trigger once' or even a blank event will work.

    Hummm I did not know that! Now the events are running but the value that Im trying to save on local storage but not working. Can you see on my source ?


    Thanks in advance!

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