Welcome to the forum , and happy 'structing! I, too, am full of great ideas, but little actual experience in programming. The great thing about construct is that all you have to worry about is the logic; I've spent most of my time just developing and fixing my own errors, as opposed to fighting with inadequate documentation and confusing syntax.
Personally, I think this kind of simplified development is the future of building games. I was just reading an article where they had polled developers about the number one thing they wanted to see in next-gen systems. It wasn't better graphics, or more motion sensing waggle wands; it was easier development tools, allowing them to work quicker and develop cheaper. Squeezing out every last ounce of power is great for AAA games with massive budgets and savant programmers, but for those who place innovation and fun above ultra-mapped vorxels, losing a little performance and a few pixels and polys won't matter. /soapbox
I agree with you completely. At first I was going the way of traditional programming. I wasn't doing bad at all, but all I really wanted to make was games. Then life got busier and I just could not dedicate my time to becoming a programming language guru. I realized that game making should be just that, and I DREAD SOFTWARE WHICH MAKES YOU LEARN A LANGUAGE to make "good" games, GM is one of them. Sadly, you will always find "those" who flame you because you use you use software like C2. I do not understand these individuals and never will nor care to, cos as far as I have seen, they never have a valid reason, they only seem to think you are inferior cos you take considerably less time to make a game than them. What a paradox!
Anyway, welcome to the community. I do not think anyone will flame you here, as far as I can tell there's no idiots here. Happy C2ing!