FPS on Construct 2

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  • Hi there,

    There is currently a relative new API circulating on the net to Enable Mouse Lock on HTML5, this from what i have been reading allows for FPS style games to be created on html5


    Will this be possible on construct 2? integrating the api for one should be relatively easy..

    Any ideas?

  • The mouse lock API will eventualy be implemented.

    But C2 is a 2D game maker, not a 3D game maker.

    Making 3D first person shooters would require a lot of trickyness and are not really the type of games C2 is designed to help you make easily.

  • Construct 2 is a 2D game designer, so I'm not sure what purpose Mouse Lock has for 2D games? Got any ideas?

  • People using that 3D plugin could probably use it. :D

    Other than that though, I suppose that could be helpful in a game I'm making that uses wasd and the mouse, because when the mouse is outside the browser window the mouse coordinates stop getting updated. If the action is frantic enough, the mouse could go outside the browser window frequently, depending on how the user has the browser window arranged.

    Other than that, it seems hard to anticipate what people might use it for, though. If it's not hard to implement, perhaps for that reason, it should be implemented anyway, to simply give devs the option if they want it?

  • Mouse Lock would be useful if you need to get the mouse speed to perform actions and don't want it to keep going out of the screen all the time

  • as long as, their a way for players to disable mouse lock , i don't mind, but im afraid if someone enter to website and a game locked his mouse curser and prevent him to surf on the internet!?, isn't ?

  • as long as, their a way for players to disable mouse lock , i don't mind, but im afraid if someone enter to website and a game locked his mouse curser and prevent him to surf on the internet!?, isn't ?

    Yeah... that would be definitely annoying.

  • Thanks rgros, I did not know there was something already to lock the mouse in HTML5. I will try to integrate it with my 3D plugin in the future. Right now my sample FPS is a DOOM style FPS (no up or down movement; just left, right, forward, backward movement)

  • I'm sure this will come in handy at some point, still not sure where :)

  • In the game im building i'd rather have the players mouse to be locked.

    It uses both left and right mouse buttons to be played and the game screen is only 800px wide.

    So when clicking the right mouse just outside the layout the right mouse menu opens up.

    As such, the gamers attention gets pulled out of the game.

    It would be a real benefit to my game to have the option of mouse lock.

    So Ashley, if u tend to build it into construct 2, i am one of those who really needs it in game.

    And as the above message already aplied, a mouse "unlock" event would be very usefull.

    And thanx for considering to implement it <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • not.

  • Mouse lock would be good. On two screens I can never scroll to the right if there's no mouselock, cause my mouse ends up on second screen.

  • isn't DOOM technically a 2D game?

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