Difference between on fall and is falling

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  • What is the difference between the Platform: Animation Trigger ''on fall'' and ''is falling''? I tried both here following the tutorials and I couldn't notice any difference.

  • I believe "On fall" will only trigger once the Sprite begins falling, whereas "Is falling" constant triggers whilst the Sprite falls.

    Say you have a variable that starts at 0, and you use "On fall- Add 1 to variable", and make the Sprite fall, the variable would only reach "1". Whereas having "Is falling- Add 1 to variable", the variable will continue to go up until the Sprite is no longer falling.

    Hope this helps!

  • I believe "On fall" will only trigger once the Sprite begins falling, whereas "Is falling" constant triggers whilst the Sprite falls.

    Say you have a variable that starts at 0, and you use "On fall- Add 1 to variable", and make the Sprite fall, the variable would only reach "1". Whereas having "Is falling- Add 1 to variable", the variable will continue to go up until the Sprite is no longer falling.

    Hope this helps!

    Yes, you really helped. Thanks a lot Jase00 ;)

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