Current construct 2 API solutions? Leaderboards, Achievments

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Are there any current good solutions for integrating api's like leaderboards and achievements into your game? For example, I'm working on cross-platform games and using google play and game center for achievements and leaderboards, and a lot of my gameplay is centered around competing on the leaderboards. I want a replacement for when those services aren't available. (Mainly web hosting)

    I'm not that interested in a local leader-board, and I know scirra arcade has a leaderboard, but I'm looking for something that works essentially anywhere, regardless of hosting location. We used to have exactly this with the plugin but that has since been discontinued.

  • Bump. I wonder if there is there is any other demand for this?

  • so you want a cross platform leaderboard that supports both ios and android? If so, google play already does that and so does facebook.

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  • so you want a cross platform leaderboard that supports both ios and android? If so, google play already does that and so does facebook.

    I mean something independent of platform. As far as I know, google play doesn't work on independently hosted sites. I know you can use your own php stuff but that generally requires a lot more overhead / extra objects, and isn't very secure.

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