Create Menu always on top center like Web menu

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  • Hi guys.. I need help to create Menu in my game which position always on top and center of layout something like web menu.

    could you tel me step by step or tutorial to create that?

  • You just need to create it.

    For example, you need a background image for the menu, then the sprites for the buttons. Create a function that creates the background image and the sprites when you call it. Create another function that destroys all of those objects when you call it.

    Make sense?

  • yes, I've made ??.. but how to setting the background always on top center position and sprite button stick to the background?

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  • Using the window height and width /2 f centering the x and y positions

  • What BluePhaze said, plus putting on the top most layer and then creating the items in order from back to front. The object you create last in the event sheet will show up top most on that layer.

  • 1st, create a new layer at the top, maybe call it "UI"

    2nd, set that new layers parallax setting to 0,0 (instead of the default 100,100)

    Voila, the "UI" layer doesn't move while the rest of the game does

    is this what you're looking for resvi?

  • Thank you every one.. for your best responds.

    I mean that menu like web menu. which always on top and center position with menu attributes like user name profile, small photo and another attribute.

    I think that I need to create background image for the menu, then the sprites for the attribute and group that and set position to center and always on top Like BluePhaze said.

  • Using the window height and width /2 f centering the x and y positions

    that almost works :)

    till you resize the window   >_>

    The window width and height doesnt get updated after a resize it seems :(

    been having issues with that for a week trying to make an item slide to the center.

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