Construct 2 works on one monitor (1999) not new (2013)

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  • I was using a 2013 monitor and construct 2 was not working(crashing everytime opening new project). A few weeks later I decided to try construct 2 again, I had moved around and was using a old really old (dont know exact old) monitor. On the old monitor it worked fine so I decieded to get the full version. I was very happy and content with my purchase until I got back to my main setup with 2, 2013 monitors. It crashes everytime I open it on 2013 monitor (same computer)

  • Sounds like you have a display driver issue. Uninstall and reinstall your video card drivers. Make sure you run your windows updates as well.

    The issue is not hardware related, so start with what I mentioned and come back here with the results.

  • Sounds like you have a display driver issue. Uninstall and reinstall your video card drivers. Make sure you run your windows updates as well.

    The issue is not hardware related, so start with what I mentioned and come back here with the results.

    But my windows has a glitch where it will not update.. and when using the moniter (1999) it works fine... I need to figure out what wrong with my windows first 6 hour dell support conversation incoming

  • There's absolutely no reason to call Dell Support. That's just a headache waiting to happen. Can you manually download the lastest window updates and install them.

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  • But my windows has a glitch where it will not update..

    Maybe the same thing that is preventing Windows updating is also causing a problem with Construct 2, or installing all available Windows Updates would fix the problem. So you should really try to fix this first before investigating what's wrong with C2.

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