is Construct 2 still viable

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • hi, I love Construct 3, but it's just too expensive now, I can't afford it anymore. Do you think Construct 2 is still viable for small commercial games, even though it's not updated anymore?

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  • How many games make use of all engine features to it's full potential? There is bunch of indie games make a way to hall of fame even using limited game engine features. Sophiscated software is not guarantee to make a success IP. It's more likely about how to put the idea & creativity into viable gameplay.

    The compatibily of C3 being able to open C2 project is enogh for me to assure one time I need to adopt certain feature or deploy to broader platform, they are available.

  • It depends on the scope and type of your project.

    Construct 3 comes with the benefit of Scirra patching things up, pretty much on demand.

    Just as an example. The NWjs plugin is outdated and has some broken actions because of changes by NWjs (3rd party). I have enough knowledge to workaround issues like that myself but if you don't. It might become an issue down the line.

    Like with any unmaintained software. You'll have to deal with issues yourself.

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