cesisco, yeah, I've not also filed a bug report because it's just not reproducible; where do you start? But it is happening. I couldn't work like that so the r250 downgrade was necessary. The problem I have is that I'm not willing to upgrade for possible future bug fixes if this fundamental issue of saving is not addressed.
It's only a hope, but I wish the Ashley will take a look to do some speculative debugging on this issue. I *know* that r250 does not freeze. At least that's a clue.. I think?
R250 is ok? that’s a starting point, thanks, but I have several projects saved with r254, so it wouldn’t work downgrade to r250.
But it would be helpful to find if it happens randomly when it saves, or if it’s related with something, like project size, any particular event/behavior added before the bug happens.I’ll dig a little bit more to see if I can get any clue on this.