Construct 2 & Win 10 = Awesome!

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Creepy Sprite Font suitable font for your Dark/Horror/Halloween games.
  • In the past i had some problems with the C2 Editor, because i bought in on Steam.

    I use C2 mainly on my Notebook with an integrated Intel Hd 3000 and the editor

    started to freeze many times, so i could work with C2 but it was no fun to work with.

    Anyway, today in the morning i installed the technical preview of Win 10 and until now

    it works very smooth. The editor did not freeze one time. If it stays like this i am more

    than happy.

    P.S. Also, with Win 10 will come universal apps, that work on XBox, too. I can imagine that they

    are coded in html+javascript! This would be another great step for C2/C3 and us

  • This is great news, I was a bit hesitant to try windows 10 because I thought it may be a waste of time if it halted my workflow. Thanks for this, downloading win 10 now.

  • It works great for me, but because everybody has a different hardware configuration & software he/she uses, take care. Win 10 still is in development & there can be system crashes or data loss. But if you know what you are doing then have fun! For me Win 10 looks already very promising

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  • Using Windows 10 here! Yey!

  • been using it for a while now. works great. glad it's helped improve things for you

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