Hello i cameto a problem with C2, when it comes to make Complicated AI for a platformer game...its nearly impossible, and while is not 100% impossible, its really overcomplicated and nearly impossible... why??
well, fisrt of all i might be a noob, so if you can disprove my point, please do so.
i manage my AI with instance variables...since is the best option to pick the correct instance...
but when it come to make an action that is triggered by a instance variable...for example to start a Timer once...then its very cumbersome, sinceyou need to changethe instance number or state at the end of the action to make it trigger only once...
for example:
if enemy is overlapping at offset (X: -100) the player
set enemy variable to 1
if enemy variable = 0
if enemy variable = 1
Dont move
if enemy variable = 1
start timer
On enemy Timer ends
make an attack
(if you pay attention....this wont work...becuaseit will trigger every tick...so you need to do this)
if enemy is overlapping at offset (X: -100) the player
if enemy variable is 0
set enemy variable to 1
if enemy variable = 0
if enemy variable = 1
Dont move
if enemy variable = 1
start timer
set enemy variable to 2
On enemy Timer ends
make an attack
is there any other way to trigger once an action when a instance variable changes without having to change the number of the variable at the end???
is it so hard to integrate a trigger once that works for instances??